So how did you answer jeezzle? & what was her reaction afterwards? - Deanski, Mar 5, 2011 Oh, I said "Buenísima, pues como estas. then I said "sabes que voy a hablar a tu amiga, (or something simila
r lol) and she said "Si deberias!! " Bang. And that's how that went. Oh, and I said "Todavia necesito llevarte para helado" and that might - jeezzle,
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Avatares químicos. En busca de nuevos fármacos ... Encontrar moléculas para hacer medicamentos más efi caces y menos tóxicos suele ser una tarea muy larga |
So how did you answer jeezzle? & what was her reaction afterwards? - Deanski, Mar 5, 2011 Oh, I said "Buenísima, pues como estas. then I said "sabes que voy a hablar a tu amiga, (or something similar lol) and she said "Si deberias!! " Bang. And that's how that went. Oh, and I said "Todavia necesito llevarte para helado" and that might - jeezzle, |
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