
As an international and leading media production business the mission of Plaza Publishing group is to offer both a modern and creative atmosphere around a wide range of titles in the magazine world. A

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ll covering selections surrounding the latest fashion and design to the top home and interior trends, gardens and food. Our magazines are modern and contemporary, featuring world-class photography and stylish design, publishing over 22 magazines, in 48 countries in more than five different languages.

Stockholm, Sweden
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Plaza Magazine
Plaza is not afraid of failure and often claims that the “slamming the door on your finger” method has taught the company the power of management, taking the organization to another level where business ought to develop. To repeat each mistake as little as possible, the lesson of life.
As an international and leading media production business the mission of Plaza Publishing group is to offer both a modern and creative atmosphere around a wide range of titles in the magazine world. All covering selections surrounding the latest fashion and design to the top home and interior trends, gardens and food. Our magazines are modern and contemporary, featuring world-class photography and stylish design, publishing over 22 magazines, in 48 countries in more than five different languages.
SE 1367-3235-2333-1166
Participant 06/2024 valid 06/2025
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