Valor Econômico is the largest financial newspaper in Brazil, according to the Circulation Verification Institute (IVC). It is the result of a partnership between two of the country's largest medi
a groups: Grupo Globo and Grupo Folha and had its first edition launched on 2 May 2000.
ValorEconômico |
Valor Econômico is the largest financial newspaper in Brazil, according to the Circulation Verification Institute (IVC). It is the result of a partnership between two of the country's largest media groups: Grupo Globo and Grupo Folha and had its first edition launched on 2 May 2000. |
Valor Econômico is the largest financial newspaper in Brazil, according to the Circulation Verification Institute (IVC). It is the result of a partnership between two of the country's largest media groups: Grupo Globo and Grupo Folha and had its first edition launched on 2 May 2000. |
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