The Alpha Club was created to connect and support the gifted and talented. These perform above average in their skills and interests.

These skills may include:
Physical and
The Alpha Club offers a variety of events, activities and tours which can be found on our website.

This includes day and holiday camps around the world in places like Adventurous Marbella (Spain), Beautiful Bavaria (Germany), Mountainous Austria and even some parts of the Caribbean.

Have a clear goal and master things the way you think is best.
Put everything into it, until you get the results you want.
Dream as big as you want. Go after your goal!

Want help and support! Get noticed by connecting with the Alpha Club`s Talent Scouts.

Our Mission

The Alpha Club plans to Support and help the gifted to reach their Goals by connecting them with the right professionals, at the right time and with the right mentality to allow them to succeed.

Our Vision

To become the global network of institutions, mentors, and tutors that support each gifted individual's goals and help them being successful by mentoring, tutoring and encouraging these individuals.

Alpha Club for Gifted and Talented Philippines

Gifted and talented people succeed above average in skills and interests.
By in where they are ahead of their peers.
These skills may be:
Logical, Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical,
Visual, Artistic, Sport or Social.
Sometimes they cover several of these areas simultaneously.

About 2% of all children are far above intellectually capable
and are therefore considered high gifted.
It is often expected that gifted children excel in school through
outstanding achievements,
this is the case for many but not all gifted children.
Unfortunately there are often cases of bullying
or suppression in family, kindergarten or school.

The Alpha Academy started from the experience that gifted children
can develop problems in school and in social life.
But when their intellectual needs are no longer perceived
therefore they are no longer developing their skills.
If the children are able to ask, read, learn and experiment as much as they need
they would have no or fewer problems compared to other children
even in interacting with other peers, even when they get older.


The Alpha Academy has created the Alpha Club for connecting and supporting gifted and talented.

Learning, research with fun like-minded people is the motto of all activities and events organised by the local experts from the Alpha Club.. Combining exceptional learning sites with challenging projects that promotes team spirit :

Experiences and activities are organized by each stakeholder and perceived by like-minded completely different. The Alpha Academy offers its members a variety of events, tours and networking opportunities at home and abroad.

The varieties of events are for these types of members:

The Alpha Club presents the interests of gifted children, adolescence, parents and teachers to the Federal Ministry of Education and the Standing Conference. Our goal is to anchor the gifted education in the education legislation. Special classes can be formed with a previous enrolment and approval would be possible, regardless of school.